♥︎ му ѕσcιαℓѕ ♥︎


First of all, you can find these same links on my carrd, which also includes general information about me, fyi/"before you follow" things to know, and some of my favorite things. I encourage you to check it out when you can! It's also pretty and ✧ aesthetic™️ ✧ as hecc.
Most of these accounts are somewhat inactive and I don't really have a particular site I'm active a lot on. Feel free to just add/follow me on whatever platform you prefer to interact with me on.

discord tag: Amarna#4431

I once included Wattpad in my list of social media, but I feel that Quotev is a better platform for sharing written works as I have a bit more of a following on there. The little story/writer editor thing is a lot better, in my opinion (you can actually insert links, unlike in Wattpad's editor). Once I move all my drafts from Wattpad to Quotev, I'll probably just end up deleting my Wattpad account.

I also (unfortunately) have a Facebook, though it contains a lot of my personal information and frankly, the only reason I have it is to keep in touch with family members and school friends. The platform has so many issues yet the people I know on there don't really have any other social media (and I don't want to just delete my account and effectively ghost them). If you're really that curious, you could try digging for my account. Otherwise, I only add people I know in real life.

If you happen to come across a random account that's not listed here but appears to be me, feel free to DM me.

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