Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Tragic Tale of May Autumnsong


Believe it or not, Pandora Mae May Autumnsong used to be a bad character. I mean, an AWFUL one. She was nothing more than a teenager who was neglected by her family and bullied at school because of it, and then she ended up dying (I think I implied she was killed by the same kids that bullied her by pushing her off a bridge) and becoming a ghost who haunted and just looked to get revenge on the people who wronged her. Believe it or not, she also used to be part of this weird haunted summer camp where she hung out with other children/relatives of mythical creatures and monsters (à la Monster High). Groan, CLICHÉD.

Isn't this how, like, 95% of these wannabe creepypasta writers write their OCs' backstories?? lmao

Thanks to the Sims 4, however, I've been able to tweak this character a bit. 

Love that ghostly smoky reaper trail, lol

As you can see, Pandora's still a ghost. Technically, not an actual ghost in TS4, but hey, cheats!!
Specifically, she's now a reaper. I imagine she actually trained under the mythical Grim Reaper himself to ferry the newly dead to the afterlife. She happens to call herself the "Gentle Reaper", as she often says, "Some people are terrified of death. They deserve a comforting presence in their final moments".

In life, she was a young woman (probably in her early 20s) named May Autumnsong (I thought "Pandora" was too edgy and snowflake-ish, lol). I'd imagine she wasn't really "neglected" by her family, per se, but considering the overly-high standards and restrictions imposed upon women at the time, she was usually pushed aside in favor of what her father/brothers wanted. Ironically, I'd imagine she'd be mockingly called "Pandora" due to her being somewhat clumsy and not as "prim" and "perfect" as other women her age.

It wasn't until she was engaged to be married that May's family finally seemed to warm up to her. A well-to-do man had shown interest in her despite all her insecurities, and now her parents were devoting all their time into making sure their daughter was prepared for her wedding.

Unfortunately, a month or so after she and her fiancé announced their engagement, May fell ill. It started with an annoying cough she thought she could shrug off, but eventually, it worsened to the point where she was coughing up blood. She lost weight rapidly and was bedridden. Her worried parents and fiancé summoned a doctor, who confirmed their worse fears: May had tuberculosis.

Her parents didn't have much hope for their daughter's recovery, so they seemingly went back to their distant ways in an attempt to distract themselves from her impending demise. Her devoted fiancé, however, wrote letters to her family almost daily, begging them to tell him when she was feeling better (he'd been sent away to live somewhere else so he'd avoid catching tuberculosis as well).

Within less than a year later, May was dead. She suffered slowly and painfully with no one to physically comfort her, leading her to practically fear dying even though it was inevitable. She woke up seemingly healed, but she was now in a world beyond our own. It was none other than the Grim Reaper himself who would be the first to greet her and attempt to guide her to the afterlife. Still frightened, May wouldn't budge. She was just devastated she wouldn't be able to return to the world of the living.

Funnily enough, that's not even her own gravestone. She's not actually dead in the game, remember?

The Grim Reaper reluctantly decided to make her an offer: she could return to the living world but only to visit those who are about to pass on and later bring them to the underworld. May agreed without hesitation, and she was trained to be a reaper herself.

Clad all in white in contrast to the Grim Reaper's dark robes, May would dutifully carry out her role as a reaper. Whether a terminally ill person's family was there with them or not, May would assure them she would stay with them in spirit to keep them company. The moment they were about to die, May comforted them and promised their suffering would be over soon and they would be at peace. Her angelic appearance also helped the deceased feel more accepting of their passing. 

Her caring nature has led May to call herself the "Gentle Reaper".

I hope you enjoyed reading May Autumnsong's backstory and think it's (at the very least) more decent than her old incarnation, haha.

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